

Safe and Welcoming 学校 资源


Safety and wellness is a top priority for 正规的棋牌平台排行榜. Students are more likely to be successful when they feel safe and welcome at school.

SPS Safety and Wellness Announcements and 资源


The Safety and Security Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.



这是可以理解的, we are all experiencing a heightened sense of concern for student and staff safety due to current issues and events. We encourage parents and guardians to keep an open line of communication with your children.

We all play a role in school safety.

It is important that everyone in our school knows and follows our safety procedures and processes.

  • All visitors should sign in at the main office when on campus.
  • All adults should wear SPS staff or visitor identification while in school buildings.
  • School exterior doors should be kept closed and locked.
  • Please let your school leader and school staff know if you have concerns or questions regarding student safety and well-being.
  • Safety concerns should be reported right away by calling 911 or the 安全学校热线 (206-252-0510).
  • Mobile App for anonymous safety reporting app for our community. To download the app, open your phone’s app store and search “正规的棋牌平台排行榜.你也可以用the universal link to download the app.

Read Recent District Safety and Wellness Announcements

Opioid and Fentanyl Awareness and 资源

芬太尼是什么? Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid drug that is approximately 100 times more powerful than other opioids.

年轻人滥用阿片类药物吗? 根据美国.S. Department of Health and Human Services, teens and young adults are the biggest misusers of prescription pain medication. 



If you share a home with young people, you can prevent accidental and intentional use by reducing access to substances.



Who to contact to help resolve concerns

确保你的学校有 your current telephone number and emergency contact 信息. Contact your school to update your contact 信息. Learn more about staying connected with 正规的棋牌平台排行榜.

Personal Safety Tips for Children and Families

You can help your student(s) stay safe by talking to them about personal safety. 可以讨论的技巧包括:

  • 报告事件 一旦他们发生了.
  • 请注意 的环境.
  • 不跟陌生人说话 或者和他们一起去任何地方.
  • Walking to school or activities in pairs or groups.

Reporting bullying or discrimination

联系 学生民权办公室 对于

  • 欺凌
  • 歧视
  • 骚扰
  • 恐吓
  • 性侵犯

Reports can be made verbally or in writing.


The district is committed to our long-established focus on safety and security for all students and staff. You may want to learn more about our polices and procedures around student and school safety. Below are district resources, board policies and procedures around student and school safety.

Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

骚扰, 恐吓, and 欺凌

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 3207 details the prohibition against harassment, 恐吓, and bullying.

监督程序3207SP describes the procedures the district uses when addressing concerns that a student may be experiencing harassment, 恐吓, 或者欺负.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜3210 不歧视


正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 3432 指导所有学校发展一个 应急管理计划. This includes plans for student and family reunification, a listing of staff assignments and responsibilities during an emergency, 救灾物资的位置, 和更多的.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 3143 Notification of threats of violence or harm

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 3225 校本威胁评估

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 5201 Drug-free schools, community and workplace

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Policy 6800 Safety operations and maintenance of school property

No Tolerance Policy Against Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 has a no tolerance policy against firearms and dangerous weapons and Superintendent Procedure regarding weapons on its campuses and at District-sponsored activities.

No Tolerance Policy Against Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 has a no tolerance policy against firearms and dangerous weapons and Superintendent Procedure regarding weapons on its campuses and at District-sponsored activities.

Gun Safe Storage and Preventing Firearm Violence

Learn how you can play a role in preventing firearm-related injuries and deaths in our communities.

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